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Boys U11s & U13s Blitz - Sunday 30th January 2022

29 January 2022

Newry Olympic Boys U11 and U13 teams make their competitive debut in Ulster Hockey's Southern Area Blitz, on Sunday 30th January.

The Blitz is being held at Lisnagarvey HC in Hillsborough.

The U11's will be playing against teams from Banbridge, Ballynahinch, South Antrim as well as Lisnagravey, with the U13's facing opposition from Banbridge, Armagh, South Antrim and Lisnagarvey.

Under 11 hockey, also known as Super Sixes, is played on a third of a full sized hockey pitch with teams having six players on the pitch at any one time. Matches last for twelve minutes with a three minute break in-between each game for team turnarounds.

Under 13 hockey, is known as Extreme Eights and is the final progression before the 11-a-side game. Extreme 8s is played on half of a full sized hockey pitch. Each match lasts for 15 minutes.

Come along and support the teams. First matches start at 12:15.

Under 11's

12:15 12:27 Garvey Lions (P6s) South Antrim B Banbridge Red NEWRY OLYMPIC Garvey Tigers (P6s) Ballynahinch
12:30 12:42 Garvey Pumas (P6s) South Antrim B Garvey Lions (P6s) NEWRY OLYMPIC Banbridge Red Ballynahinch
12:45 12:57 Garvey Pumas (P6s) Banbridge Red Ballynahinch NEWRY OLYMPIC Garvey Tigers (P6s) South Antrim B
13:00 13:12 BREAK
13:15 13:27 Garvey Pumas (P6s) Garvey Lions (P6s) South Antrim B Banbridge Red Garvey Tigers (P6s) NEWRY OLYMPIC
13:30 13:42 South Antrim B Ballynahinch Garvey Pumas (P6s) Garvey Tigers (P6s) Garvey Lions (P6s) Banbridge Red
13:45 13:57 Garvey Pumas (P6s) NEWRY OLYMPIC Garvey Lions (P6s) Ballynahinch

Under 13's

14:30 14:45 Garvey Lions - Yr 8 Banbridge Black Garvey Tigers - Yr 8 Armagh
14:48 15:03 NEWRY OLYMPIC South Antrim U13s B Garvey Lions - Yr 8 Armagh
15:06 15:21 Garvey Tigers - Yr 8 NEWRY OLYMPIC Banbridge Black South Antrim U13s B
15:24 15:39 Banbridge Black Garvey Tigers - Yr 8 Garvey Lions - Yr 8 South Antrim U13s B
15:42 15:57 Armagh NEWRY OLYMPIC BREAK
16:00 16:15 Armagh Banbridge Black Garvey Tigers - Yr 8 South Antrim U13s B
16:18 16:33 NEWRY OLYMPIC Garvey Lions - Yr 8 Banbridge Black Garvey Tigers - Yr 8


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